I've been playing with Lovable. dev and Windsurf for the last two days and I am in love. The easiest way to take an idea from 0 to MVP
so. relearning about ikigai. seems like i am in the gates of a new rabbit hole
I tried building my first totally AI-coded app. It's my take on the great translation game: translation.tresytres.mx/ - The idea is that it gives you a text in Spanish or English (the languages I speak well) and I have to translate to French (the language I want to learn)
These days, the beginning of winter makes me not want to do anything but sleep and eat mac & cheese.
Just finished reading “The 2-Hour Job Search.” One key takeaway is to create a list of 40 companies you’d love to work for. I’m struggling to even find 10! Anyone have suggestions for companies in the tech or design space?
My wife always says the house would fall if not for her. This week, I tried to prove her wrong by doing the groceries alone. I even went to Costco to buy toilet paper to rub it in. Friends, I failed miserably I bought paper towels instead 🫤