I came across this website thestonetwins.com/ and found this chromatic aberration hover effect really cool. Tried to replicate it myself for fun.
I found this fantastic website: rabbit.au/ and decided to do a similar thing with React. Just to have some fun. I'm using the Astronomy Picture of the Day API from NASA to get the images. Still WIP.
Giving Zed code editor (zed.dev) a try. Loving it so far!
Shaders are really neat. It makes me miss the days when I actually understood math lol
When the user hovers over a link, these polygons and conical gradients are generated at random. Each article thus has a distinctive appearance, and each reader has a different experience with it. The articles still need to be written, which is honestly the most difficult part.
Found this cute little animation in a website somewhere and decided to recreate it using Framer Motion. Unfortunately I don't remember where exactly I found it. Source code here: codesandbox.io/s/text-reveal-…