Posts, a community app by

Luka Krcmar
Luka Krcmar

🥳 Happy Birthday, Midjourney

Luka Krcmar

See these two CTA buttons, which one is primary, and which one is secondary? 👇 This is a real website example from a startup called Rosebud AI. They're landing page could be better, and these two buttons are a perfect example.

Luka Krcmar

ChatGPT's growth is a hundred times more impressive to me because the technology was impressive, by a company nobody actually knew about... Threads is basically built into Instagram, so when Zuck says they got 1M users within an hour, it kinda feels like cheating tbh

Luka Krcmar

What’s this all about? I’m new here. Reminds me a lot of twitter 🧐