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Two things that can improve your apps tab bar: 1. Use labels AND icons. 2. Structure your tabs so that the main use cases are not clustered in the first tab with the others being barely used at all.…
Exploring navigation: Subtle animations can help users know where they are, and a toolbar above the tab bar provides access to important functions within a thumb's reach. Inspired by the beautiful app "Family" ( Make sure to try it out, the UX is great!
Show what the product does directly on your website! Landing page design for “Uplift”, a simple timer app to help you stay active during your workday.
App design for “Uplift” (idea stage at the moment). Similar to a pomodoro timer, this app has you sit for 45 minutes, move for 5 minutes and stand for 10 minutes, every hour. A simple concept to stay active while working.
Should we change the process of designing websites? I think that putting the story first can be beneficial for the final result. Made a simple landing page to outline the idea of story-first websites: