Posts, a community app by

Darian Rosebrook

Hey y’all! Can we get an #introductions thread going? (Also, search doesn’t work for posts so I couldn’t scroll far back to see if any was created) There’s many new and familiar faces, and it’s cool to see so many great types of designers all together. Share some stuff!

Darian Rosebrook
Replying to @magicalobject

Nice! I work with a bunch of DTs at eBay, they’re focused on a mix of tooling and product. Did you lean more towards one or the other? I would consider myself in that bucket as well, but I’m hired on as a designer

Matt Herzog
Replying to @darianrosebrook

Oh nice! Did mostly product stuff, but my internal side hustle was building figma plugins and other random tooling for fun. 🙂 Sometimes acting solely as a designer, sometimes engineer, sometimes prototyper. I like the flexibility and variability of going between the roles