Element morphing via SVG filter. codepen.io/mandynicole/pe…
Another Codepen to practice using container queries for logo variations. codepen.io/mandynicole/pe…
Refining a component system for a future project, designed in Figma. dribbble.com/shots/24945000…
Refactored a fluid typography hand-off I built for a client to utilize `color-scheme`, `light-dark()`, and `:has()` to easily swap between light and dark mode and preview text blocks with hyphens. codepen.io/mandynicole/pe…
A couple issues ago, Codepen featured one of my demos in Spark; a CSS-only responsive grid with subtle animations and interactions to display additional content and context. Details in the description. codepen.io/mandynicole/pe…
After a few years working independently with some incredible clients, I miss having a team. If you're looking for a UI/UX Design Engineer w/10+ years of crafting interfaces & shipping production code for products & services, and 20+ years on the marketing side, let's talk!