Posts, a community app by


take a step back to empower your team. do nothing to empower the world 🌐

marian reposted
Josh Pindjak

What would you make if there were no computers?

marian reposted
Brian Sholis

I have a simple criteria for judging new “mood board” platforms: do more than half the saved images depicting women feature nudity/sultry looks? If so, it’s not for me. That’s why I choose Arena over Cosmos, Savee, etc. I want whole people & ideas, not boys’ fantasies.


Anybody have a rec for free project management courses? There’s plenty online but looking for that tried and tested Posts-community-approved ☑️

marian reposted
Replying to @charz

And they make you cry

marian reposted
Maxim Siebert
Replying to @calin_balea

love seeing serifs in product design!