Since is leaving...We have be building the new format and playground for recruiting, connections, and opportunities. A place to tell your story and for people to listen. A place that goes beyond resumes and linkedins. Stay tuned!
My friend Yasin over at Headstarter is hiring!…
Friends over at Typefully are hiring a founding engineer!
Know any solid backend engineers that are hungry to build? My friend Kathryn is hiring at Openmart (YC24). Founding Backend Engineer:…
RetailReady is looking for a their firsT founding engineer (SF ONLY) They have built the "first-to-market" an AI-powered supply chain compliance engine to automate the supply chain's boogeyman...and that's compliance! Job Link:
My friend Tejas is hiring over at Dimension.Dev ❇️ Design Lead (Europe) ❇️ Design Lead (Southeast Asia & India): ❇️ Design Lead (North America):