Posts, a community app by

~ Matt
~ Matt

Co-investment detail page

User interface of a co-investment detail page for "Tandem," an electric bike project in Paris. Funding goal: €500,000 (50% raised). 96 investors, 12 days left. Includes pitch video and project details.
~ Matt

It’s great to see my long-time, seemingly random interests, moving toward a convergent point.

~ Matt

Card ~ Support the project

Zoomed-in view of the Pi-hole web interface showing a donation message encouraging PayPal support, with 'Help' and 'Settings' options below.
~ Matt

I find it crazy that this painting dates back to 1950. ~ Seine, by Ellsworth Kelly

A black-and-white artwork titled "Seine" by Ellsworth Kelly displayed in a white frame on a wall at the Louis Vuitton Foundation in Paris. 
The artwork consists of a gradient of pixelated black squares, transitioning from densely packed black on the right to sparse white squares on the left. 
A label with descriptive text is mounted beside the piece.
~ Matt

Wouldn't it be great to have the option to receive notifications when the latest version of a Figma community file becomes available for download? This was created using the perfectly crafted Figma community file by Marlon (link below)

The left sidebar of the Figma user interface displays an iOS UI Kit file with a green "Update available" button, indicating that a new version of the community resource is available for download.