Posts, a community app by

Martin Matovu
Martin Matovu

Over the past few days, I've been hard at work redesigning Work Louder's website, and I like how it turned out. Be sure to check out the full Dribbble shot here:…

This is the landing page for the website. It's only one of the few other designs I'm gonna be turning into code.
Martin Matovu

New Tilde app designs finished. Here's a teaser for you. And now for the development.

A collage of three screen sizes for the Tilde text editor: desktop, tablet and mobile. The Tilde app logo is in the bottom left corner.
Martin Matovu

Preliminary design concept for a little app I'm working on

A desktop design for a web app I'm working on called Tilde. It features a sidebar to the left, a notes list next to it, and a text editor to the right taking up the rest of the space.
Martin Matovu

I've recently been enjoying CSS nesting. It's very awesome

Martin Matovu

Something's coming...

A logo for something. What could it be?