Posts, a community app by

Spring 🏳️‍🌈
Replying to @matteonegri

keep goin. none of these seem final.

Matteo Negri
Replying to @spring

Absolutely, this is only the first iteration and I wanted to share my first ideas to gather some feedback :)

Spring 🏳️‍🌈
Replying to @matteonegri

wonder if the whole pin could be a "basketball". or if the basketball could look like a comet with a tail that is the pointy end of the pin. when looking at this i also wondered if the basketball could be the circle, then some white space, and then an arrow/triangle bottom.

Matteo Negri
Replying to @spring

Some interesting ideas here, worth a try! Thanks a lot.

Junaid A.
Replying to @matteonegri

B is perfect.

Matteo Negri
Replying to @junaidanjum

Thank you! What do you like about it?

Junaid A.
Replying to @matteonegri

B keeps both the features most alive. The pin looks like a pin, and a basketball looks like a basketball.

Replying to @matteonegri

A or E

Replying to @matteonegri

(I'm partial to symmetry and the simpler forms)

Matteo Negri
Replying to @tadhg

Thank you! I started with the A version, which I think is nice but it's kind of already seen, so I tried some variations to make it more interesting.

Shashaank Bhaskar
Replying to @matteonegri

I love the idea for the app! Care to share more details? I like A, B and E. The combo of the pin and basketball shape reminds me of Taz from looney tunes, like the tornado. What are your thoughts on using a more dynamic perspective for the ball + pin/net shape?

Matteo Negri
Replying to @shshnkbhskr

Thank you! Sure, we are working on an app where people can save their favorite public playgrounds, check-in on the court and organize games, maybe some other features. Visual design is part of the job. Probably next iteration will be on more dynamic shapes as you suggest :)

Shashaank Bhaskar
Replying to @matteonegri

Looking forward to the next iteration. Keep us posted!!

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @matteonegri

I say A or D. I like the implied movement of D and imo it adds more originality. B and C are a bit harder to make out and E loses too much of the "pin" I think.

Matteo Negri
Replying to @jsiggy

Thank you, I really like the D version too but I think the pin is kinda weird like this. Need to work on its shape.

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @matteonegri

You got this 💪🏻

Replying to @matteonegri

A and B is the right direction

Replying to @matteonegri

Some combination of A and C would be simple and clear