Posts, a community app by

Daniel Farrell
Replying to @mikael

If you're up for trying a front-end tool for designers, would love to get your thoughts on!

Onlook – The developer tool for designers
Onlook is the first-ever developer tool for designers. Let designers contribute directly to your UI codebase. No setup or programming experience required.
Replying to @drf

Looks good, signed up! Though I am comfortable in code and contribute to our code base regularly - but will keep an eye on this

Daniel Farrell
Replying to @mikael

A true design technologist! Would love to jam sometime and get your thoughts on our onboarding especially. We're really trying to iron-out the transition from getting designers comfortable with editing the live product and then submitting a PR. 🔜

Ana Malai
Replying to @mikael

how neat is your website, i'm totally in love!

Replying to @anainsomnia

Thank you!

David Woolf
Replying to @mikael

Love what I see, sent you a message!