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Mitch Watts

Hey folks, my wife and I are going to our first European trip this autumn. And we’re spending nearly 13 days in Amsterdam! Would love to have recommendations for what to see and do. Also, where are the best stroopwafels? I’ve never had one 😅

Replying to @mitchwatts

That’s a really long time to spend in one city (esp Amsterdam which is relatively small)- take a weekend trip to Paris from there? Or Barcelona? Everywhere in Europe is a short flight from Amsterdam, may as well see another spot if that’s your first time!

Mitch Watts
Replying to @arlo_j

A visit to another city is definitely worth considering. We floated the idea of seeing Brussels… wondering if we could take a train? 🤔

Ben Sorensen
Replying to @mitchwatts @arlo_j

I’m planning on going for the first time in August! We were shooting for Copenhagen, Amsterdam & Brussels for a couple days each. Seemed surprisingly doable via trains!