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Aleksandar Đurić
Aleksandar Đurić

I just noticed updated nav/sidebar on Spotify. Looking slick.👍

Aleksandar Đurić

Excellent article on craftsmanship at Apple that I found to be one of the most refreshing pieces I've read in a while. In recent years, Product has started misinterpreting and misusing the term MVP, leading to a proliferation of poorly designed solutions.

What I Learned as a Product Designer at Apple
In 2021 I landed my dream job. Working at Apple, the holy grail of minimalistic design, innovation and creativity. A place where misfits…
Aleksandar Đurić

Nothing beats an interior of 911. 👌

Courtney Lee

Hey there 👋🏻 Recently I was laid off and still on the hunt for product design roles. Any companies looking for a designer, researcher, and strategist with experience in cybersecurity, e-commerce, education, fintech, and Web3 — I’m open!

Courtney Lee – Product Designer
Aleksandar Đurić

I used Sketch today after months (possibly year or two) using Figma non-stop. I can’t help myself, but I find Sketch so much more lightweight for crafting design. The fields, buttons, depth of the application chrome. I don’t know, maybe I have a nostalgic grudge.

Aleksandar Đurić

@milosmilikic and I are doing some quick and dirty color exploration. 👀