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Michael Wilcher
Michael Wilcher

We made the hard decision today that to leave our cat behind in the States for the first year of this PhD. I feel awful, guys.

Michael Wilcher

Lacking any evidence, I have to choose to believe that that stupidity of America as a whole has limits. I'm just not sure how close to those limits we are, and that scares me.

Michael Wilcher

See what we not finna do is per your last email.

Michael Wilcher

Every time I'm on the phone with someone British, I feel like I'm absolutely bulldozing an innocent bystander. You didn't ask for me to call you, you didn't ask to be talked over, but literally how was I supposed to know you hated human contact???

Michael Wilcher

"The whole of reality [...] is like something which one is perpetually on the brink of, catches sight of out of the corner of one's eye, is awaiting..." —Catherine Pickstock, Repetition & Identity

Michael Wilcher

"The joy of recognition is [...] that more is recognized than just the known. In recognition, what we know emerges from all the randomness and variability of the circumstances that cause it, as if through enlightenment, and is grasped in its essence.” –Gadamer, Truth & Method