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Replying to @nici

Practice. I took several courses but the most impactful was the one which forced me to write (no editing) for an hour for a month. Changed my life.

June Tang
Replying to @tranhelen @nici

What were some courses that you took? The no-editing one sounds absolutely amazing!

Replying to @june @nici

I took: How to Write Better A bunch of Second City courses (satirical essay) A couple of Gotham writing courses (Creative Writing I and Memoir/Essayist) Currently redoing College Writing I on Outlier (it is FANTASTIC)

Nicole Michaelis
Replying to @tranhelen @june


Replying to @nici

Would this course be designed for people interested in blogging/writing books or people looking to be better at communicating for example: communicating with work colleagues, writing a self review etc for work etc.

Nicole Michaelis

It’s an employer offering this course to all employees as part of a general comms upskill program.

Replying to @nici

What a dream 😅 that’s so awesome.

jared c
Replying to @nici

definitely a crash course on good outlining, aka how to build a “skeleton” and then write around it also, workshops where you give learners a pre-written sentence or paragraph and have them edit it/shuffle things around is a great exercise

Nicole Michaelis
Replying to @jcc

Oh love the outline one! The sentence shuffle is also a great icebreaker.

Replying to @nici

Journaling (long form!). It’s important to identify our own internal voice(s) and get comfortable with it(them) daily. Helps with everything from email and decks to novels/memoirs. Then, some basic psychology to help discern who you’re communicating to and how to speak to them.

Nicole Michaelis
Replying to @jasminemrtn

Love this! Thank you.

Replying to @nici

would love to see how to best use ai chatbots like chatgpt to write better