Posts, a community app by

Noah Levin
Noah Levin

Recording a thing

At my desk with a videographer recording it
Noah Levin

She may seem happy, but don't be mislead -- she's in sheer terror (Izzy is not a fan of the vet...)

Izzy looking terrified at the vet. She’s still cute though.
Noah Levin

Just about every time I've met with UX folks @Meta over the years, I hear a consistent theme: "Exec team wanted us to clone product X, we tried to convince them why we should build product Y instead" That's a tricky environment to operate in, and probably not uncommon in SV..

Noah Levin reposted
Joel Miller

Today is a big day! Dev Mode launches in It's the culmination of an ~18-month journey, filled with countless riffs, prototypes, reviews, PRDs, and PM mocks. I’m so exited to finally share it with you all. 💚

Noah Levin
Dog on porch
Noah Levin reposted
Sho Kuwamoto

Hey there! I’m giving a talk at Config this year on how we think about customers and how we do PM more generally. (a) I hope you come! (b) Is there anything you want me to focus on? (In true sho fashion I plan to keep working on the talk until the last minute)