Posts, a community app by

Darian Rosebrook

Hey y’all! Can we get an #introductions thread going? (Also, search doesn’t work for posts so I couldn’t scroll far back to see if any was created) There’s many new and familiar faces, and it’s cool to see so many great types of designers all together. Share some stuff!

Novia Chao
Replying to @darianrosebrook

Hi everyone!! Happy to be here ~ My name is Novia, I’m a UX designer at Konrad Group, a design agency based in Toronto, Canada. Love nerding out about systems, design tokens, beautiful UX, and recently have been trying to improve my visual skills through more branding as well.

Darian Rosebrook
Replying to @novia

Haha this sounds like me. If there’s something new to try to expand how I think about tooling or systems I usually dive in deep right away. Bouldering also sounds fun and exhilarating lol What are some things that you’ve found useful in learning better visual design?

Novia Chao
Replying to @darianrosebrook

For improving visual design, I’ve found immersing myself in as much design as possible has been amazing! A lot of this has been getting away from a screen and visiting a lot of my local galleries, and trying to be very intentional with observing the artist or designer’s craft

Novia Chao
Replying to @darianrosebrook

Then browsing tons of inspiring sites and main thing that’s helped : saving them somewhere to reference later!! I’m just now putting it into practice with some poster designs, but excited to bring this into my UX work as well

Novia Chao
Replying to @darianrosebrook

Right?? And there’s so much to dive deep on as a designer right now, very exciting but also overwhelming…