Posts, a community app by

Nick Simson
Nick Simson

A presentation I caught today reminded me that Custom Post Types were introduced in WordPress version 3.0 (June 2010). That was around the time I started using WP professionally. What a release that was...

Nick Simson

Playing around with Soft, a camera app in beta by Jake Dow-Smith.

an assortment of objects on a windowsill: a miniature energy dome, a globe, a drawing of Charlie Parr, a glass sculpture, and a toy truck
Nick Simson

Doing something new on my blog: a long-form post about type each day for the month of February.

Nick Simson

"A Day On, Not a Day Off" It's a message I remember seeing on a sign at a MLK Day Parade years ago. I wrote a little about being affected watching some sanitation workers who had to work on King's birthday some years ago:

Nick Simson

Nice 404 page, @cv

various emoji come together to create the digits 404