Posts, a community app by

Olia •

Big lesson this week; we all want to deliver the best ux possible, but we end up delivering features. Is it bad planning? A certain methodology that does not align with ux? Politics and power games? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Shine app: are they for real??! Is it an ealry April fools?? 😅 10 minutes in twitter going through all the hate I Just downloaded it. I don’t know if it is for real or trolling but it worked for me. I gave up phone memory to see for myself 🤷🏻‍♀️

I never thought I need to be pro in Ai as a product designer, but more and more often I feel like I it is a skill I lack big time. I mean I can use Ai, but I never thought I’d ll start using it that much. Is this imposter justifiable? 🙃

For some reason I thought multi edit in figma was already there and I just didn’t know how to make it work and was too embarrassed to ask 😅

Up to the mountain we went, was fun! 🏔️✨

So excited to see this! I love how there is no app, but at the end they show a “portal” ..? So there is an app..? 🤔 still worth watching this space 👌🏼✨🤍

Introducing Humane Ai Pin on Vimeo