Posts, a community app by

Omar Tosca
Omar Tosca

A keyboard or a screen? ⌨️ + 🖥️ : ⌘ The new logo of our design studio could be anything, 🔥. --------- ⌘ /ˈSHôrtˌkət/ A shorter alternative route. An accelerated way of doing or achieving something.

Omar Tosca

A finance / fintech app concept 💳 📱 Made with Rotato

Omar Tosca

Sometimes I go back to do some user interface design for Android and I'm definitely loving Material You to create so many pleasant palettes and handling typography. Ares is an RSS Reader coming soon for Android in a beta release, 🚀. Credits for mockups to Anjo Cerdeña.

Omar Tosca

This was the realization week for me as co-founder of my own studio. I've got into heavy conversations deciding business stuff with my co-founders. I've got a client for us, my first and a huge one. I assembled the team for that project. I feel ready for what's coming, 🔥.

Omar Tosca

Working on my next article 🧠✨

Omar Tosca

A designer journey: 1️⃣ Joining a studio that grew with me, 8 years ago. 2️⃣ Facing my fears in a global studio like frog, 5 years ago. 3️⃣ To founding my own studio with all the learnings that these years have given us. I officially evolved into Charizard with 🔥