Hi, I've got another bunch of essential thoughts for you today: designthreads.report It is all about getting out of our "designcore" perspective (Linear/Apple/Vercel etc.) to see the bigger picture :)
Does anyone have any sort of interpretation or a way to defend this newish Spotify's UI monstrosity? I have one idea and maybe soon I'll write an article about it, but I'm eager to hear any other ways of explanation.
I saw a Dieter Rams manifesto on the front page (again), so let's go with something entirely different. Time for MEME MANIFESTO: mememanifesto.space/ Give the old man a break and let's have some fun online.
A voyage through the feels and the deepness by Clusterduck Collective
I have a hypothesis I would like to test. I have no idea if anyone will read this, but whatever, maybe they will: The worse the situation in the world is and the more difficult life is for us as designers, the more luxurious the products we start to create. What do u think?