Posts, a community app by

Robyn Kanner
Robyn Kanner

wrapped up my sixth semester of teaching at cooper union last night. teaching is fun! i highly suggest it!

Robyn Kanner

my favorite moment of the day is when i’m really tired and overworked and start thinking i do need really expensive diamonds to wear

Robyn Kanner

all i do is wake up and make shit until i sleep

Robyn Kanner

i spent an afternoon with bertrand bonello discussing his latest film, the beast. good film! enjoy.…

The Beast confronts the past, present, and future
An interview with director Bertrand Bonello.
Robyn Kanner

i love when people make stuff

Robyn Kanner

when i was early in my career i had all these older creative friends who were super invested in wall street and it never made sense to me but now i'm as old as them and find myself so curious about wall street damn man i get it