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Piotrek Butlewski

Does anyone have any sort of interpretation or a way to defend this newish Spotify's UI monstrosity? I have one idea and maybe soon I'll write an article about it, but I'm eager to hear any other ways of explanation.

Piotrek Butlewski
Replying to @san

Okay, so if we think of this layout as a window, it makes no sense - especially the dynamic between the main panel and the sidebar. It only makes sense if we start thinking about the UI in terms of independent and customizable floating panels

San Chung
Replying to @piotrek

i can understand that. i wonder if spotify designers chose panels as a visual style...which to a typical user (aka not designer) it does fine to section off info. would be great as customizable floating panels! otherwise it IS visually busy and could be simplified mhmm

Piotrek Butlewski
Replying to @san

Given Apple's Stage Manager and what we saw in the Windows 12 UI preview, something is coming in this area. Almost all the UI is currently based on Electron, so it may be possible to manage it through the one common interface.

Piotrek Butlewski
Replying to @san

It's just speculation, but maybe we're getting to the point where we can stop running 10 instances of Chrome in the operating system and start managing them with one synchronized service.