Posts, a community app by

Santiago Víquez
Santiago Víquez

I'll be sending the second issue of my "Writing my thesis in public" newsletter tomorrow. 💌 Subscribe here if you don't want to miss it: santiviquez.substack.c…

Santiago Víquez

I often wonder if what I'm reading is just the setup of a sci-fi novel. (image from the EU AI act)

Santiago Víquez

Random idea for high school teachers, give students an essay written by ChatGPT and asked them to find the parts that are not accurate. An assignment to make them question what they read on the internet. A skill that every day is more important than ever 🙃

Santiago Víquez

New blog post ✨ This one is an end-to-end tutorial on monitoring an ML Model with NannyML. In it, I build an ML model on real-world data and perform a full monitoring analysis with unseen data. Best part, it comes with a google colab notebook! 📓🐍

Tutorial: Monitoring an ML Model with NannyML and Google Colab - NannyML
How to monitor a ML model with NannyML
Santiago Víquez

Excited to share a little tool that my colleagues and I made at NannyML ✨ A bot to chat with the 107 pages of the EU AI Act document! The EU Act might be the first law on AI by a major regulator. Planned to be voted on June 2023 👀 🔗Link:

Santiago Víquez

Looking for an AI programmer with 5 years of experience on Mojo programming language