looking for a senior back-end engineer to join the small + mighty team at sublime.app if this is you or someone you know, DM me for deets 🙏🏼
ads suck. one price fits all subscriptions suck. we wanted to try something different. choose the price that feels right sublime.app
the “ideas are worthless execution is everything” adage is flawed. i'm building an ambitious piece of software and the execution details make all the difference but the constraint on executing well is not operational It’s about having good ideas about how to resolve challenges
A great lil story on quality vs quantity from the book Art & Fear by David Bayles and Ted Orland:
working on a new landing page for sublime and I need your help: sublime.app/ what do you like? dislike? what questions are left unanswered.
the hardest part about putting a product out there and sifting through lots of feedback is that people will be right about what’s wrong, but wrong about how to fix it. you still have to bang your head against the wall to and figure out the how.