Posts, a community app by

Søren Clausen
Søren Clausen

Another quick evening jam on trackers. Starting to figure out the Auto Track part.

Søren Clausen

A bit of progress on trackers i Cirka, after a few weeks off 😍

Søren Clausen

Designing in code makes a lot of sense when you already have many components and styles defined. Not good for exploring visuals, but you get to experience your design immediately 👍🏼 This was built without any design done for this feature specifically.

Søren Clausen

Thinking about adding a simplified version of the app icon 🤔

Søren Clausen

I now start every new feature with a playground. Experimenting with what I already built. Duplicating existing logic to build something new. Zero “Figma design” went into this yet 👀

Søren Clausen

Started running 3 months ago. After a month I started having serious issues with my neck. Constant dizzyness for 2 months. Today I got back to running. Short but sweet 🥳