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Seth Nall

Hot take: designing in HTML and CSS is quicker and produces a more diverse skillset than merely using Figma. For example, I just want to say things like “justify-content: space-between;” but Figma makes it more complex than that. Does anyone else feel this way?

Ethan Ray
Replying to @sethnall

There are some ways to use figma that are more akin to code, but I say go with the format that benefits your situation more. Should likely vary from project to project. Having the ability to use more than 1 is powerful.

Seth Nall
Replying to @eray

More options than not is definitely powerful—agree there. And I’ll be looking into how to use Figma in a code-like manner this weekend! If you have any hidden gem resources you’ve found helpful, I’d love some links 👀

Ethan Ray
Replying to @sethnall

Using auto layout in combination with components is most of it. It's nowhere close to what code can offer, but it's closer to how things are built