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Ethan Ray
Replying to @sethnall

There are some ways to use figma that are more akin to code, but I say go with the format that benefits your situation more. Should likely vary from project to project. Having the ability to use more than 1 is powerful.

Seth Nall
Replying to @eray

More options than not is definitely powerful—agree there. And I’ll be looking into how to use Figma in a code-like manner this weekend! If you have any hidden gem resources you’ve found helpful, I’d love some links 👀

Ethan Ray
Replying to @sethnall

Using auto layout in combination with components is most of it. It's nowhere close to what code can offer, but it's closer to how things are built

Seth Nall
Replying to @eray

Oh, okay—I overuse the heck out of auto layout as it is 😂 I didn’t know if you knew of any solid code import tools for Figma.

Ethan Mooney
Replying to @sethnall

I am terrible at auto layout but I fully understand flexbox somehow so I feel this to an extent

Seth Nall
Replying to @eim

This is my main pain point, too. I use auto layout bc I know it’s the right way to build…but I get frustrated bc I’m either bad at auto layout or it’s not intuitive. Or a little of both lol

Ethan Mooney
Replying to @sethnall

I just click buttons until it works 😅 I should probably watch a tutorial or something

Seth Nall
Replying to @eim

This cracked me up 😂😂 I’m in the same boat

Replying to @sethnall

I agree in many cases, yes. Sometimes using Figma actually is nice — mostly to sketch. TO actually build in detail I rarely use Figma and usually start writing CSS instead.

Seth Nall

That’s the current workflow I use for my personal projects. Figma definitely helps to shape the vision I have, but feels unproductive the second the vision is fleshed out enough…it is a great product, though!

Andy Chung
Replying to @sethnall

Yeah for my own workflow it can be much faster at a certain stage - especially when the app already has real data connected it makes validating ideas way faster. Figma is faster for more open ended stages in the project where exploring more divergent ideas is the priority.

Raffi Chilingaryan
Replying to @andy @sethnall


Sang Lee
Sang Lee @sang
Replying to @sethnall

Depends! This actually came up at work today when I was working with an FEE to try to make some aspect-ratio stuff work. Prototyping on codepen was way faster in this case and I could ideate together with the engineer and explore edge cases.

Replying to @sethnall

I’ve found that HTML+CSS is excellent to make a highly tangible interaction heavy artifact, but Figma can be really useful to explore many highly divergent visual ideas quickly that would be too costly to do with code. Mastering both is the best to push the boundaries of each.