Posts, a community app by


I'm all about building in the garage... but I thought I'd open it up a bit. Earlier this year, I was actually working on a product for women's postpartum health... I chatted with lovely mothers out there, interviewed, read research papers, and joined communities.


Mid-August, on Hoji's birthday the doom and gloom of her birthday dawned on me. The past 3 years, she's really saved me and has supported my ptsd. I already wondered why something like predictive health monitoring for dogs hadn't come out yet... and I found myself digging.


Building ml models from the ground up take a lot of time. If I start now, it might take 8-10 years to get where I want to be... Hardware is also expensive to build. Products out there today are really not consumer friendly. 1/3 of pet owners already can't afford vets.


It's not that I have strong conviction, it's that I completely understand how our pets have changed our life through supporting our disabilities, solving the epidemic of loneliness, and teaching us a lot. So I want to keep yours and my dogs happy and healthy through prevention.

Replying to @shirleywu

thank you for sharing this Shirley ♥️ I've been looking after my mom's / family dog for the last few weeks and for the first time, I'm experiencing firsthand what it's like dealing with all the healthcare by myself but she's sooososo worth it