Posts, a community app by


I'm all about building in the garage... but I thought I'd open it up a bit. Earlier this year, I was actually working on a product for women's postpartum health... I chatted with lovely mothers out there, interviewed, read research papers, and joined communities.


My hope was to help my girlfriends, women experiencing postpartum, and even children to not have to experience what my own mom had. But fast forward, I found out my stress levels are so high that it would make it incredibly difficult to conceive. And it all hit too close.


Building ml models from the ground up take a lot of time. If I start now, it might take 8-10 years to get where I want to be... Hardware is also expensive to build. Products out there today are really not consumer friendly. 1/3 of pet owners already can't afford vets.


It's not that I have strong conviction, it's that I completely understand how our pets have changed our life through supporting our disabilities, solving the epidemic of loneliness, and teaching us a lot. So I want to keep yours and my dogs happy and healthy through prevention.

Replying to @shirleywu

thank you for sharing this Shirley ♥️ I've been looking after my mom's / family dog for the last few weeks and for the first time, I'm experiencing firsthand what it's like dealing with all the healthcare by myself but she's sooososo worth it