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Khor Siang Hooi

I often experience anxiety about not being able to secure a job after I graduate (graduation is in half a year). I consistently doubt my skills and capabilities. Can anyone relate? I wonder if it’s a personal struggle or a shared experience.

Lucas Cufré
Replying to @sianghooi0827

Not sure about you field man, but you are not alone. Been there as most of us here. My advice would be to trust your training and the experience gathered already to inform you were you are lacking and seek the opportunities to fill in those gaps

Lucas Cufré
Replying to @sianghooi0827

In my experience, being open and forthcoming about your doubts is always the best tool to have. A mentor I had once told me that nobody can teach you hunger for knowledge, so if you have it, wield the hell out of it.

Lucas Cufré
Replying to @sianghooi0827

Also, straight out of college nobody is going to look at you for a senior level of independence. It is expected of you to have doubts and explore your field. People expect you to know next to nothing. That’s a really good place to start