Personally, I think it's very depressing to see people who want to break into Design (including a handful of my IRL friends) waste their money on bootcamps taught by professionals who haven't accomplished much or whose experience is just a string of <1 stints.
I think it's important to build a *proven track record* of your expertise — and how you've applied it — before you go and tout yourself as an expert. How else do you know if your advice or your feedback is actually high quality?
I could probably keep ranting about this... But to cut it short, I'm frustrated because I meet new friends who aren't in tech and want to break in. They find out I'm a designer, show me their portfolio from bootcamp... and I don't know where to start. Just feels so predatory.
My portfolio is w/e, with that being said: I'm shocked that bootcamp portfolios have not changed in years. The price of these courses has increased, but the quality and type of work has stayed exactly the same.
2. I considered/was recommended to do some from of condensed, design whatever-bootcamp course, but the sheer amount of money these institutions want in return of a cookie-cutter "new airbnb app" body of work is...fucked.