Posts, a community app by

Leland Foster
Leland Foster reposted

Millipede in Chinese is 钱串子, which is like “loop of coins / bbq skewer bug”.

Leland Foster reposted

Commissioned piece. Large denim trench coat. First coat in some time but goin smoothly.

Leland Foster

I'm trying to get an svg to fall through the viewport - does anyone have a js library recommendation that I could use to make this happen. I don't give a shit about gravity or object collision

Leland Foster

shout out to the sales rep at Texas Instruments that created a chokehold on every public school math class in the US

Leland Foster reposted
Andy Chung

Spotted in Berkeley

How to build community poster
Leland Foster

I would pay $1,000 cash to be able to sit in on the post mortem at Crowdstrike