I wrapped up the fall semester of my web class with a scavenger hunt. #EdTech #WebDev

I wrapped up the fall semester of my web class with a scavenger hunt. #EdTech #WebDev
Any folks on here dual-booting Linux and Windows? I’m thinking of exiting the Apple ecosystem and am looking at a Lenovo ThinkPad. Web dev, instructional design, daily driver. What are you all running?
I haven’t worked in Rails for several years. Took a spin through the v8 (!) docs. I had forgotten how fun it was to work with. Now I’m thinking of what I should build with it.
I am horrified that Google Docs marked “LEGO” as incorrect, suggesting “LEGOs” instead
I often have this strange feeling of thought that everything in our world is some configuration of things found on Earth. Clothing, buildings, electronics, art, weapons, meals, beverages, vehicles, games. Just a bunch of stuff taken from around Earth and made it into a new thing.