Posts, a community app by

Darian Rosebrook

Hey y’all! Can we get an #introductions thread going? (Also, search doesn’t work for posts so I couldn’t scroll far back to see if any was created) There’s many new and familiar faces, and it’s cool to see so many great types of designers all together. Share some stuff!

Stephen Green
Replying to @darianrosebrook

Great idea! Hi everyone! 👋🏻 I’m Stephen. I’m a designer living and working in Hudson Valley, NY. I’m currently working on civic tech products. I’ve also designed for Edtech, and graphic design for hospitality and sports.

Emily Willis
Replying to @stephengreen @darianrosebrook

Hello from down east Maine! 😄 love D&D too! I haven’t played in ages tho! Gosh I miss it!

Stephen Green
Replying to @em_bird @darianrosebrook

Another Mainer! I’m from southern Maine. And yah the toughest part about dnd is finding people with the right schedule to actually play!

Emily Willis
Replying to @stephengreen @darianrosebrook

Yea!! There’s a couple of us Mainers here apparently!

Emily Willis
Replying to @stephengreen @darianrosebrook

And yes! But like tbh the very last campaign I ended up playing was Strahd. I DM’d and it was an INCREDIBLE journey all the way through so if fate decides that ends up being my only chance to play with a group consistently, then so be it 😆🖤

Stephen Green
Replying to @em_bird @darianrosebrook

CoS is great! It was the first campaign I played through during the early pandemic days. ✨

Emily Willis
Replying to @stephengreen @darianrosebrook

It really is!! I’ve got really fond memories of it and I always love hearing how other people played through it too! 😄

Stephen Green
Replying to @darianrosebrook

I also have a bachelor of fine arts with a focus in painting. Lately m, I’ve mostly dabbled with digital art but I hope to find time for oil painting again. Here’s something from a long time ago: