Posts, a community app by

Steven Yuen
Steven Yuen

farewell posts 🥲

Steven Yuen

Collections for your media coming to Gather this week.

Steven Yuen

Gather Notebook - the first iteration of our notes feature is finally coming to TestFlight. we're just waiting for app review. works on iPhone, iPad and Mac. the next part is the fun part.

Steven Yuen

hosting a dinner with some friends to bring together artists, creatives, designers, makers from toronto. hoping to do these every 2-3 weeks. we hope to also do some other events, exhibitions, workshops and projects. would love for you to be a part of it.

Sessions: Dinner 1 · Luma
Meet artists, creatives, designers, makers from around Toronto. Meet some new friends and maybe future collaborators. We're going to host these every 2-3…
Steven Yuen

today is one of those days where I have to throw out an idea I really love so that I can make room for other ideas I want to happen. my heart.

Steven Yuen

exploring in tallinn