Posts, a community app by

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Replying to @tannerc

How so?

Replying to @tannerc

That is fair. I feel Posts probably isn't best for that. Maybe that will improve. 🤷‍♂️ I'd bet there are some healthy "Followings" for some, but for majority I bet is rather slim as the users of this platform is pretty niche. Big guess though...

Replying to @tannerc

Coming from other platforms, the engagement would probably feel like zero. I am finding those 1-4 people who occasionally engage with me are 10x more likely to be real, and overall healthier responses. Hope to see ya around here still! Loving those books you recommended. 🤝

Replying to @tannerc

Interesting, I used to see your posts on my timeline and never seen your last 3-4 posts. I just noticed after coming to your profile directly