Posts, a community app by

Tanner Christensen
Tanner Christensen

The algorithms hate me here it seems, hah! I’m going to move elsewhere. Find me on LinkedIn and Threads!

Tanner Christensen

What if documenting your work process was effortless? I'm working on a (paid) app that auto-logs your workday into a "work journal", making things like reviews, status updates, and portfolio case studies a breeze. Wondering if I should scrap the idea or press on.

Tanner Christensen

Sometimes I just don't want to see content from someone on Posts. Any chance we can get a mute feature (rather than full block) @andy ?

Tanner Christensen

Overview customization in Center Meditation Timer. In earlier user research I learned many people value different things in their mindfulness practice. For some, they want to track streaks. For others, awareness of their practice history matters most.

Tanner Christensen

Fuck depression. 😔