🚀 Side project time! A small tool for people living in or visiting Toronto to help you find parking for cars, bikes, or EV chargers around the city. mytoronto.city/parking

🚀 Side project time! A small tool for people living in or visiting Toronto to help you find parking for cars, bikes, or EV chargers around the city. mytoronto.city/parking
Still kinda confused why the Default browser setting lives in the "Desktop & Dock" section.
Working on an indie journalling app! ABY will be coming fall 2024 :) check it out here: abyjournal.app/
Can't decide who's worse, Jira or Monday.com? They are both trying hard to win this race.
How customer feedback looks nowadays: Figma Community Forum: – Dozens of requests for improvements to variables/prototyping, etc. – Zero requests for AI features Figma's response: Let's add an AI tool... 🤔