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Roberto Rodríguez Gijón

Recently, I’ve been delving into the role of the “design engineer” and have created a map to better understand this discipline, the concepts it encompasses, and its relationship with other fields.

Taurean Bryant Not Found
Replying to @robertoerrege

This is a cool idea. Have you given thought to what you might consider explicitly _outside_ the scope of design engineering?

Roberto Rodríguez Gijón
Replying to @taurean

Yes, I did. for example, design systems is almost completely in the head of a design engineer but still needs a bit collaboration with engineering that’s why the bubble slightly exceeds the scope of design engineering.

Roberto Rodríguez Gijón
Replying to @taurean

Also, certain concepts like functional constraints and tokens extend outside the user experience bubble.

Taurean Bryant Not Found
Replying to @robertoerrege

ah I see. It seemed like all of the actual tasks/responsibilities sit inside of design engineering here though, or am I misreading that? Like what would be a UX task that _design engineers_ explicitly don't do? or Engineers?

Taurean Bryant Not Found
Replying to @robertoerrege

I'm asking because from my experience making the transition into design engineering, I've noticed this never gets defined. As you interview from place to place, the things that companies expect you to do seems to balloon indefinitely.