Posts, a community app by

Tom Dai
Tom Dai

My imagination of the Apple x Google / OpenAI collab: Apple provides APIs that handle requests to LLM, so developers don’t have to worry about it. Who pays for it? 👉 Apple sells LLM access to end-users, bundling it into iCloud+ or something like that. Like how MusicKit works.

Tom Dai

This should be on every terms and conditions screen.

Tom Dai

I'm partial to this kind of handwritten artificial intelligence.

Tom Dai

10x designer be like 🫣

Tom Dai

I like to think I’m designing human-magic interfaces these days.

Tom Dai

I noticed Apple avoided using “Home”for its first tabs, preferring specific labels like “Listen Now”. I followed suit, always carefully considered what “Home” really meant when I needed to label a Home tab. Now I feel like an idiot.