Posts, a community app by

Tom Dai
Tom Dai
Tom Dai @td

Resurrecting the gloss

Tom Dai

This animation 🤌 Makes my heart sing

Tom Dai

Finally started to understand the redesign of the Photos app (listening to John and Craig talking about it at The Talk Show Live From WWDC 2024). It’s about resurfacing memories. Hardest problem about linear records app.

Tom Dai

shift control option command space ✨

Tom Dai

My imagination of the Apple x Google / OpenAI collab: Apple provides APIs that handle requests to LLM, so developers don’t have to worry about it. Who pays for it? 👉 Apple sells LLM access to end-users, bundling it into iCloud+ or something like that. Like how MusicKit works.

Tom Dai

This should be on every terms and conditions screen.