Posts, a community app by

Todd Bennings
Todd Bennings

I’ll be glad when humanity flushes QR codes from its system.

Todd Bennings

Do you have or have you used a career coach? What sort of benefits would you attribute to having a coach? What would you want/not want in a coach?

Todd Bennings

Y’all ever get rejection emails on Saturday? Who the hell does that?

Todd Bennings

I could use your help finding resources on storytelling and presentation. Any links or books I can read to help level up my skills?

Todd Bennings

I look forward to being old and preachy; offering unsolicited diatribes from an ornery place of wisdom. But I’m also pretty interested in being the well seasoned, well timed, mostly tasteful, Morgan-freeman-voice-of-god type dude. I dunno how imma do both.

Todd Bennings

I’m perfectly fine if Arc remains independent, but I can’t think of a better match for them than Perplexity. Maybe a little too ‘on the nose’, but such an acquisition could thrust Perplexity into the mainstream a little w a product that can be a vehicle for their amazing tool.