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Vadym Kravtsov 🇺🇦
Vadym Kravtsov 🇺🇦

Typical Porto situation

Vadym Kravtsov 🇺🇦

Who would think that working on a portfolio would have such a therapeutic effect. I think I’ve reflected on my whole career, what I’ve been doing, what I want to do, had several depressive episodes, jumping from “it's all shit” to “ok, it's something”. Let's see what's next.

Bora @bora

Keep iterating. ↻

Vadym Kravtsov 🇺🇦

Got my first pictures from the Kodak Ektar h35 that I bought last Summer. A small film camera that takes 2 shots per single frame. I really enjoy this slightly blurry, imperfect look.

Vadym Kravtsov 🇺🇦

Isn't she cute? ✨