Posts, a community app by

Vera Heilig
Vera Heilig

If I’m not on my Mac designing I am most likely painting/drawing! Here‘s a glimpse into a larger watercolor painting, combining two of my fav pastime activities: Painting and baking sourdough bread. You can keep up with my art endeavours over on IG @alohaveraa

Vera Heilig

UI 07 – Newsletter form

Vera Heilig

Went full speed the last couple of days to publish the minimum viable product of my personal portfolio website! Build from scratch with HTML/CSS by myself.

Vera Heilig

Daily UI 6. Sleep Stage Tracker

Vera Heilig

Daily UI 5. Simple Sunrise/Sunset Widget. Are you team sunrise or sunset?

Vera Heilig

Day 4 of Daily UI. Sweet and simple lumen slider widget. Only like my light cool while drawing.