Posts, a community app by

Vitalii Radov
Vitalii Radov

I'm exploring ideas for a new template for Framer. Can you guess what the template is for?

Vitalii Radov

Accidentally found out that my MacBook has a built-in DAC that can output 24 bit / 96kHz. I tried to listen to FLAC in my far from audiophile Bayerdynamic headphones. The difference compared to Spotify is enormous. It's like listening to some familiar tracks for the first time.

Vitalii Radov

Beauty is in the details. It's right here. Just allow yourself to see it.

Vitalii Radov

Reflection 🪩

Vitalii Radov

🐈 🐈 ☀️

Vitalii Radov

Winter daylight