I finally feel like I got the visual style of our topic covers for SwiftUI Field Guide right. Bright, descriptive, easy to make. swiftuifieldguide.com

I finally feel like I got the visual style of our topic covers for SwiftUI Field Guide right. Bright, descriptive, easy to make. swiftuifieldguide.com
My interview is up on Lover’s Mag. Would love to hear what ya’ll think 🌸 loversmagazine.com/interviews/nic…
Brand identity and digital design system (+more) w/ Gustav Nordebrink for Doconomy, a company that provides both consumers and brands with digital tools to help understand and reduce the climate impact of consumption. → niklasrosen.se/doconomy → id-c.se/work/doconomy
Starting work with a new client today and even though I’ve been doing this for 14 years I’m still convinced that THIS will be the client that sees through me and calls me a fraud. Impostor gang unite 😭🥸
Upgraded to the Studio Display and I’m most surprised by how unbelievable its speakers are. Almost equivalent to big HomePod. Also, he’s Boh.