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Figma is becoming a control tool for admins. Not a design tool anymore. What tool should I switch to to just make designs and avoid paying to keep my files private? Is this a new sketch era?

Precious M
Replying to @willisenough @majipark

I use Protopie a lot. It’s definitely not a Figma replacement or even a peer. Maybe that’s why you are finding it tough? I find it to be one of the most intuitive and robust prototyping tools available.

William M.
Replying to @preciousm @majipark

Yeah, Protopie is definitely at another level when setting a prototype. You have all those unique interactions and even connectivity with custom hardware. It's like upgrading the basic experience.

William M.
Replying to @preciousm @majipark

However, it's more about advanced prototyping, so I guess Figma is still more useful for making screens or lo-fi prototypes as it requires fewer settings At least that is what they say:…