Posts, a community app by

Jimmy Lee
Jimmy Lee

I learned a lot about building great teams from Dominic Toretto.

Jimmy Lee

You free yourself not by worrying about where your work and craft are, but by staying focused on where you’re going.

Jimmy Lee

If the asteroid does come, I’ve made a diagram of my drilling process so you can send me on a mission. I’ll take two drilling crews into space, land two spacecraft on it, split up, drill to the center, plant a nuke, set it on a timer, and get home safely.

Jimmy Lee

Ross did a loading screen update for our studio with our new logo mark. I made another version pink because we’re throwing a very, very pink event at our office today :-)

Jimmy Lee

Apparently, NASA named a 50-meter asteroid, 2024YR4, which has a 1.4% chance of hitting Earth in 2032, so I made a diagram showing what could happen on impact.

Jimmy Lee

Exploring a new logo mark that our studio debuted yesterday