Posts, a community app by

Jimmy Lee
Jimmy Lee

There is now a theme menu along with a new green theme

Jimmy Lee

As requested, Departure Mono, Fira Code, Fragment Mono, Commit Mono, Iosevka Term and TX-02 Berkeley Mono previews have been added for you to play with

Jimmy Lee

Server Mono still needs a lot of work, so I added a fonts tab to make it easier to test Server Mono against other options like one of my favorites, SFMono Square.

Jimmy Lee

Dear webmaster, If you feel like you’re about to embark on a daunting, herculean website, and fear that it could all be meaningless, don’t worry—I believe in you and your ability to be better every day. Just keep walking the path and ship it. Ship everything

Jimmy Lee

Today marks version 1 of my monospace explorations, sacred[dot]computer. Thanks for all of the support and fun. If you have any requests, feel free to reach out. Good luck in the new year :-)

Jimmy Lee

I added code blocks with line numbers, resolved some z-index bugs, and made it possible to trigger modals from dropdown menus