Posts, a community app by

Zicheng Gu
Zicheng Gu

🎨 Come and play with the Visitor page on my site! I've created a collaborative canvas where visitors can add their unique strokes to the evolving artwork before passing the brush to the next creator. Join the fun and add your signature style!

Zicheng Gu

QQ: Any analytics tool recommended for personal website/portfolio tracking?

Zicheng Gu

Faded strawberry 🍓 or just white strawberry🤪

Zicheng Gu

I just realized that a lot of great designers are posting their works and projects on Twitter. And seems like Twitter is a better place to build up personal branding and expand the network. Will Twitter be the next LinkedIn? when regular cooperate jobs are less needed?

Zicheng Gu

So cute, Christmas trees at a jewelry shop. #Notting Hill

Zicheng Gu

Energy is the language of your soul. If following your passion is too nebulous, maybe you can start from following your energy.